Automatic Expansion Valve - Models a simple automatic expansion valve using a map. Can be used to simulate discharge or evaporator pressure regulators.
Box Model - A virtual refrigerated space with various thermal loads; for example a chilled freight container.
Compressor - A device that compresses low pressure and temperature refrigerant to a high pressure and temperature based on user defined volumetric and adiabatic efficiency maps.
Compressor Shell - A device that compresses low pressure and temperature refrigerant to a high pressure and temperature based on user defined volumetric and adiabatic efficiency maps. This model additionally calculates the temperature of the compressor shell
Condenser - A heat exchanger model that transfers heat from the refrigerant to the ambient air causing the refrigerant to condense from a vapor to a liquid.
Condenser with Humidity - Simulates a condenser using a moving-boundary, lumped parameter approach.
Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) Map - Electronically controlled throttling valve that creates an abrupt reduction in pressure and temperature of the refrigerant. (Table lookup maps between input variables and mass flow rates.)
Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) Poly - Electronically controlled throttling valve that creates an abrupt reduction in pressure and temperature of the refrigerant. (Polynomial fits between input variables and mass flow rates.)
Evaporator - A heat exchanger model that transfers heat from the refrigerated space to the refrigerant causing the refrigerant to evaporate into a vapor.
Evaporator with Humidity - Simulates an evaporator using a moving-boundary, lumped parameter approach.
Gas Cooler - A heat exchanger model that transfers heat from the refrigerant to the ambient air without changes in state.
Hydraulic Resistance - Model that simulates hydrodynamic pressure drop due to internal flow resistance.
Internal Heat Exchanger - A block that models a refrigerant-to-refrigerant counterflow internal heat exchanger.
Multipurpose Tank - A block that models a variety of roles (basic tank, accumulator, receiver)
P-h Live Plotter - A block that allows live feedback of the active phase cycle on a P-h plot.
P-h Multicycle Live Plotter - A block that allows live feedback of the active phase cycle on a multicycle P-h plot.
Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) - A throttling valve that regulates the degree of superheat of the refrigerant at the exit of the evaporator.
Two Fluid Plate Condenser - This block simulates a plate condenser system. Unlike the standard evaporator, it does not assume Air is the second fluid, and allows both fluids to be user-defined.
Two Fluid Plate Evaporator - This block simulates a plate evaporator system. Unlike the standard evaporator, it does not assume Air is the second fluid, and allows both fluids to be user-defined.
Two-Fluid Plate Gas Cooler - This block simulates a plate gas cooler system. Unlike the standard gas cooler, it does not assume Air is the second fluid, and allows both fluids to be user-defined.
Battery - This block simulates a cell using a second-order RC-circuit model, allowing for analysis of thermal properties
Bus - The bus simulates summation and distribution of electrical power. The bus is available in either Voltage or Current modes
Motor - The motor simulates the conversion of electrical power to mechanical power as well as thermal load